Hi 👋 I’m Eyal. My superpower is simplifying the complex and turning data to ta-da! 🪄
I’m an ex-cosmologist turned Data Science/Machine Learning researcher and communicator with ❤️ for beautiful data visualisations applied statistics.
As of August 2024 I’ve started creating articles for Towards Data Science on my Medium page:
Below are some more blog posts which are a mix of professional and personal, so consider this a conversation between myself and future 120 year old me where everyone is invited to listen!
Start Asking Your Data 'Why?' - The Importance Of The Story Behind The Data (Part 2/4)
Start Asking Your Data 'Why?' - A Gentle Intro To Causal Inference (Part 1/4)
Video Diary 2020: The Year We Stayed Home
Books Of Enlightenment
Recommended Podcasts
CurveBall - Loss Function Optimisation With Fast 2nd Order Derivatives
The Oddball in the Room - Attending a Theoretical Statistics Talk
GitHub hosted web page using Jekyll
Protein Design by Multi-Objective Optimisation
Look at the Data!
Data Deadline? Jupyter to the Rescue!
Preparation for a transition to data-science
My Last Cosmology Talk
My Cosmology Research - A Pony For My Grandmother
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