Last updated: 2024-12-10

I just found my acadmic CV from 2021-03-02, and thought it might be a nice walk in memory lane of the various publications, talks and grants. Considering the posted talks and that it does not include my last two lead author publications in cosmology, I’m guessing that it was written around 2013.

Curriculum Vitae

Eyal A. Kazin

Centre for Astrophysics & Supercomputing, Swinburne University of Technology,

PO Box 218, Hawthorn, VIC 3122, Australia

Phone: +63-4676-34533


  • September 2011- Present:
        Post Doc Research, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
  • June 2011-September 2011:
        Post Doc Research, Research at the Center of Cosmology and Particle Physics, NYU
  • June 2007-May 2011:
        PhD Research at the Center of Cosmology and Particle Physics, NYU,
        under supervision of Prof. Michael Blanton.


  • September 2005-May 2011:
        Physics PhD Program at the Center of Cosmology and Particle Physics, NYU.
  • October 2001-September 2004:
        B.Sc Physics, Ben Gurion University, Be’er Sheva, Israel. Graduated with Honors.


As Lead Contributor-

  • Kazin E.A, Arial Sanchez and Blanton M.R.
    Improving Measurements of H(z) and dA(z) by Analyzing Clustering Anisotropies,
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 419 (2012) 3223-3243

  • Kazin E.A, Blanton M.R. et al.
    Regarding the Line-of-Sight Baryonic Acoustic Feature in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey Luminous Red Galaxy Samples,
    Astrophysical Journal 719 (2010) 1032-1044

  • Kazin E.A, Blanton M.R. et al.
    The Baryonic Acoustic Feature and Large-Scale Clustering in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Luminous Red Galaxy Sample,
    Astrophysical Journal 710 (2010) 1444-1461

Selected contributions -

  • Blake Chris, Kazin E. A et al.
    The WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey: Mapping the Distance-Redshift Relation with Baryon Acoustic Oscillations,
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 418 (2011) 1707-1724

  • Padmanabhan N., Xu X., Eisenstein D., Scalzo R., Cuesta A., Mehta K., Kazin E. A
    A 2% Distance to z=0.35 by Reconstructing Baryon Acoustic Oscillations - I: Methods and Application to the Sloan Digital Sky Survey,
    ArXiv 1202.0090 (2012)

  • White M, Blanton M. R, Bolton A., Schlegel D, Tinker J, Da Costa L, Kazin E. A et al.
    The Clustering of Massive Galaxies at z~0.5 from the First Semester of BOSS Data,\ Astrophysical Journal 728 (2011)

  • SDSS-III Collaboration: Aihara et al. (over ten co-authors)
    SDSS-III: The Eighth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey,
    The Astrophysical Journal Supplement, Volume 193, (2011)

  • Eisenstein & Weinberg et al. (over ten co-authors)
    SDSS-III: Massive Spectroscopic Surveys of the Distant Universe, Milky Way Galaxy and Extra-Solar Planetary Systems,
    Astronomical Journal Volume 142, Issue 3 (2011)

Invited Speaker/writer

  • Way & Naud
    Proceedings of the 2011 New York Workshop on Computer, Earth and Space Science,
    NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
    February 24-25, 2011
    ArXiv 1104.1580, Agenda w/links
    Contriubiton titled: Cosmology through the large-scale structure of the Universe
    (abstract, pdf, keynote, youtube)

Scientific Work

  • September 2007-Present
    Analysis of large scale clustering of galaxies, advisor: Michael Blanton
  • September 2008-Present
    Research Assistant in imaging project: Beautiful & Correct Images from the SDSS, supported by a Google Research Award.
  • April-May 2008
    Galaxy observations performed with the Green Bank Telescope, WV, USA

Scientific Talks

  • Testing Gravity and Cosmic Acceleration with Galaxy Clustering
    January 12th 2012, American Astronomical Society Meeting #219, Austin, Texas

  • Cosmology through the Large-Scale Measurements of the Universe
    February 24th 2011, New York Workshop on Computer, Earth and Space Sciences

  • The Baryonic Acoustic Feature and z-Distortions in the SDSS and BOSS LRG Samples January 9th 2011, 217th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Seattle, USA

  • Large Scale Clustering of the SDSS Luminous Red Galaxy Sample

    April 13th 2011, Astro Seminar, Weitzmann Institute, Israel

    February 14th 2011, Astro Seminar, UC Irvine, CA, USA

    February 11th 2011, CASS Journal Club, UC San Diego, CA, USA

    November 22nd 2010, Cosmology and Early Universe Seminar, Princeton Uni./IAS , NJ, USA

    October 26th 2010, ITC Seminar, CfA Harvard, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

    October 22nd 2010, Cosmology Seminar, Yale, New Haven, Connecticut, USA

    September 28th 2010, IFIC & Observatori Astronomic Seminar, Valencia, Spain

    September 23rd 2010, ICC Seminar, Barcelona, Spain

    September 15th 2010, APC Astro-Physical Seminar, Paris, France

    September 1st 2010, Astro-Particle Seminar, ITP, Zurich, Switzerland

    August 25th 2010, Large-Scale Structure Seminar, MPI for Astrophysics, Garching, Germany

    June 15th 2010, Astrophysics Seminar, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

    June 6th 2010, Astro-Journal, Tel Aviv University, Israel

    June 2nd 2010, Astrophysics Seminar, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

    May 20th 2010, ICG Seminar, Portsmouth, England

    March 5th 2010, INPA Journal Club, Berkeley, California, USA

  • The Baryonic Acoustic Feature and Redshift Distortions in the SDSS LRG Sample
    January 14th 2010, Cosmology on the Beach, Playa del Carmen, Mexico

  • Large Scale Structure and the Baryonic Acoustic Feature in the SDSS LRGs
    July 9th 2009, Los-Alamos Cosmology Summer Workshop, Santa-Fe, USA

Professional Service
Reviewer for Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Science Magazine

Outreach Talks

  • Why should we believe in the Big-Bang? (In Hebrew) למה להאמין במפץ הגדול
    December 29th 2009, Technoda, Givat Olga, Israel

Grants Awarded

  • ``Young SDSS Astronomer Travel Assistance Award” (985USD), Astrophysical Research Consortium and Sloan Digital Sky Survey; March 2011
  • ``Precision Cosmology with Clustering of Galaxies” (4,000USD), Horizon Fellowship, GSAS Honors and Awards Committee; Summer 2010
  • ``Young SDSS Astronomer Travel Assistance Award” (1,000USD), Astrophysical Research Consortium and Sloan Digital Sky Survey; March 2010
  • ``Young SDSS Astronomer Travel Assistance Award” (200USD), Astrophysical Research Consortium and Sloan Digital Sky Survey; July 2009

Teaching Experience

  • September 2004-Present: Teacher Assistant in Physics courses for physics majors and other majors at NYU.
    • Summer Semester 2008: General Physics I
    • Spring 2007 - Spring 2008 Semesters: Cosmos and Earth
    • Fall 2006 Semester: Physics I for physics majors
    • Spring 2006 Semester: General Physics II
    • Fall 2005 Semester: Attended Practicum in Teaching Physics

Other Work Experiences

  • May 2000-September 2000:
    Satellite Technician at Gilat Communications Ltd., Petach Tikva, Israel.

  • December 1996-December 1999:
    Served as a Radio Frequency Telephone Operating Instructor in the Communication Corps of the Israeli Defense Forces. Completed Service as First Sergeant.

Life Experiences

  • February 2005-June 2005:
    Backpacking in Central America
  • December 2000-May 2001:
    Backpacking in South America
  • September 2000-December 2000:
    Spanish Course, odd jobs.

Fluent English and Hebrew, conversational Spanish